the final chapter of histories most famous vampire

this is the main character, Michael Dracula

The concept behind the project is a telling of the final chapter of histories most beloved vampire, Vladamir Dracula and simultaneously the apocalypse. The final execution will be done in a comic book/graphic novel platform. Using both illustrations and photographs to tell the story. The backgrounds will be drawn by hand, simple black and white line drawings. The main characters will be photographs of actors in costume and make up (these shots and future shots will be done by my good buddy Adam Jacino see more of his amazing photography here www.flickr.com/photos/theelectricowl/ ) then the actor will be cut out and placed in the frame with the drawn background. It will be told in three acts and the comics themselves will include advertisements for local businesses, local bands, local artist and some fake ads to immerse the reader in Michael's world. Stay tuned for more on this new project and feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions or even if you would like to be a part of this i.e. artist , make up , or if you would like to place in advertisement in the comic.