
somethin old somethin new somethins wrong

So for the new , I found out today I get to use this exact UPS van to shoot scenes for my graphic novel Divorce Of Dracula at the end of the month/excited about that

then for the old: My mural ( rip ) that was on the side of the SLO Art Supply. (The little guy with the paint can, the bomber was some other guy) It is to date the only photo I have of it, even though Neal the owner said people took pictures with it every day. Tami- thank you for sending this to me.

And as for the wrong . . .

i feel like a dog in a suitcase


torn from the sketchbook-need pizza

but I am surrounded by shitty pizza places. i need to move


i had an art showing in la

with RAW Artist group at the playhouse in hollywood. thanks to everyone that came out. im going into hibernation. this place needs an overhaul. things are going to change.